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Ground power unit for aircraft


  • Large aircraft are fitted with an auxiliary power unit (APU or GPU) providing power when they are on the ground. However many airports require this to be turned off, when the airplane is docked.
  • So that the aircraft systems can still operate whilst the APU is off, power is provided by a ground power unit (GPU). This in turn means that the engines to the plane are turned off and thus noise is eliminated, saving fuel costs and dispersing any type of emissions.
  • The ComAp 400Hz controller is tailored to applications where large stationary aircraft require synchronizing and power management whilst operating on an AC electrical system at 400Hz frequency.
  • The InteliGen NT BaseBox 400Hz, with support engines with ECU’s (Electronic Control Units), and work in conjunction with detachable colour displays InteliVision 5 or InteliVision 8 which can be connected with InternetBridge-NT using AirGate and WebSupervisor – to provide remote administration and maintenance of all GPU powered aircraft on the ground.
  • This can then relay information to a central or mobile location, such as where the GPUs are located in the airport, if they are connected and powering the aircraft, and how much fuel is in the gen-set tank… ensuring that engineers remain connected to the system at all times.

Scope of supply:

  • 3x InteliGen NT BaseBox 400Hz
  • 1x InteliVision 5
  • 2x InteliVision 8
  • 3x InternetBridge-NT

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